Deep Belly Breathing

What is Deep Belly Breathing?

Let’s call it “DBB”.

The modern human exists in a constant state of moderate stress. We are also incessantly stimulated through our electronic devices and smart phones – we are more connected than we have ever been, but we have never been more disconnected from ourselves. Our mind and body are profoundly intertwined with our breaths. Our breaths inform us of our state of mind, and of our physical health. Smooth and effortless breaths reflect our good health and relaxed state of mind. Short erratic breaths tell us that we are in strife, or that we are feeling poorly. Through mindful and intentional breathing, we can use the breath to calm and soothe, and to promote general good health.

DBB is a very accessible breathing practice that you can do daily or whenever you feel stressed or overwhelmed. All you need is a quiet space and 5 – 10 minutes of your time. A consistent practice of DBB helps down-regulate your nervous system and relax the chronically contracted muscles like the Psoas – which are our ‘fight or flight’ muscles. DBB also promotes full oxygen exchange so that we reap the full nourishing benefits of simply taking breaths! This is a practice that everyone can do, and is especially beneficial for those suffering stress, anxiety, tension and high blood pressure.

Let’s get started

  • Lie down in a comfortable position, prop yourself with a pillow under your head and a bolster under your knees.
  • Gently place both hands on the abdomen to remain connected to your breaths.
  • Take deep slow breaths into your belly so that your belly expands like a balloon, and then exhale completely, deflating the belly.
  • Take your time. Stay here for 5 – 10 minutes. You may gradually build up this practice to 15 or 20 minutes.

We practise mindful breathing in our Calming Classes – whether it is Yin, Restorative, Mindfulness Yoga or Stretch, we invite you to join us for these self-care sessions.

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